Trying to be more of a man for you

Trying to be more of a man for you

Are you single and looking for love? Are you finding it hard to meet the right person? Life as a single person offers many rewards, such as being free to pursue your own hobbies and interests, learning how to enjoy your own company, and appreciating the quiet moments of solitude. For many of us, our emotional baggage can make finding the right romantic partner a difficult journey. Perhaps you grew up in a household where there was no role model of a solid, healthy relationship and you doubt that such a thing even exists.

How a woman can make their man more successful

This is simply a common situation that most couples find themselves in after being together for a few years. You might begin to take each other for granted. Small, unprocessed arguments start to stack up and resentment quietly builds, like a subtle din in your partnership.

Like anything worth having, getting the spark back is going to require a bit of effort. Effort that is well worth it. Spiderman said that. I would encourage you to only use these techniques with men who you are in a relationship with, or are seriously invested in having commit to you. On to the man-melting magic tips! But if you get out of your head, drop into your body, and slow down the pacing with which you speak, this will draw him more deeply to you in an instant.

Just slow your speech down a bit compared to whatever your authentic, natural pace would be otherwise. Sound too good to be true? Try it out. One of the greatest gifts that the feminine can give to the masculine is to invite it back into the realm of the senses. Or rubbing his shoulders for a moment. Anything you can do to bring him back into his body by engaging his sense of smell, taste, touch, or sound will work.

And, in the moment that you do, he will see you as a gift. He will be reminded that he is with an embodiment of the feminine flow of life, and he will drop out of his head and into the present moment with you.

The feminine reminds the masculine about life. It reminds the masculine that life is happening, right now… not far off in the future when goals and accomplishments are achieved.

But today, in this very moment. Be a positive force that brings him back to his body, and he will begin to associate his presence, groundedness, and connection to his body with your positive influence in his life. In fact, because so many men are so used to being praise-deficient, when they do receive one, it can come as quite a shock and be twice as powerful compared to someone who receives compliments on a regular basis. I will give examples of each of these two things.

Say your man feels heavily identified with the work that he does in the world not at all uncommon for a modern man. When was the last time you complimented your partner in regards to his career? Have you told him that you find his passion sexy? If yes, recently? Have you told him that you find his dedication to mastery in his work life attractive? Have you told him that you love how lit up he gets when he talks about his job?

If not, why not? What things is your unique man particularly insecure about that you are aware of? Are any of those insecurities mind boggling to you? If this is the case, tell him. Let it be known. Again, the compliment being genuine matters above all else. Sit down, write up a list of things you love about him, and then make a concerted effort to bring one of those things to him once per week for a few months, and watch him grow in his confidence and his connection to you.

Alright, here comes another winner. The adoption or ignorance of this one small but necessary shift in communication can make or break a relationship.

They complain about their partner being a nag. An intimate relationship needs some sense of polarity in order to function well. Here are some examples of what most people do, and what is a more beneficial way of going about those same situation. The latter gives the man the opportunity to respond to your statement by doing something about it that he gets to make the decision on.

The common through line in these examples is that the person asking is speaking from their feelings cold, hungry, desire for fun , as opposed to making direct demands. Let us save the day every now and then. Want more tips on how to communicate with your man in a way that deeply resonates with him? Check this out. Ultimately, there is nothing more attractive than a person who is brimming with their own authentic joy. And, unfortunately, the only way out is through.

If you feel misaligned, stuck, or stagnant in your life, you have to do the hard work of getting yourself unstuck.

Only you know where your true bliss lives. Maybe that looks like taking up a new hobby, like dance classes or engaging in tai chi in the park. Maybe you want to invest more time into your self-pleasure practice to become more intimately acquainted with your body and sexual arousal. Or maybe you want to re-structure parts of your life so that you can sleep in as long as you want to and never have to do anything before noon. Just as his happiness is ultimately up to him. When you prioritize yourself in this way, and set up your life so that you are brimming with joy, there is no greater gift you can give to yourself, and to your partner.

Remember, you are both ultimately responsible for your own happiness. If you tend to second guess your man endlessly in your head or out loud , he will inevitably feel this and slowly grow to resent you. The masculine wants to be trusted deeply. Instead of questioning his every decision, give your partner the benefit of the doubt. Make generous assumptions about how he moves through his life.

But only if you truly trust the man you are with. Trust his masculine direction, and drop in to your full feminine flow. Let his presence penetrate all the way to your heart.

Fully surrender to the moment and trust in the way that he wants to make love to you in that moment. Let go fully, and your sexual and emotional connection will improve. Trust that everything he is doing is coming from a place of love, and he is doing his absolute best. All he wants to do is please you and serve your heart so that it is filled with love. Trust in his process for how he attempts to get to that goal.

If your mind starts to backslide into judgment, fear, control, or anxiety, then take a deep breath, and soften back into trust. The ego loves control. The mind loves control. But not the heart. The heart knows nothing of control. It trusts fully. It loves fully. So take a vacation from perpetually being on guard… judging and trying to control the moment… and drop in to your heart. Trust your man totally, in moments of your choosing, and he will feel inspired to act like your king more often.

You become more attractive to your man by embracing your sense of feminine aliveness. Bolstering your inner radiance. Getting in touch with your own heart and allowing it to shine brightly through how you show up in your life, and by extension, in your relationship.

Getting in touch with your feminine energy can often be difficult for certain women for a number of reasons. The short version of it is this: cultivate your relationship to your inner feminine.

Move your body. Wear things that make you feel beautiful. Make space for play and lightness in your life. Allow yourself to receive in different areas of your life gifts, massages, meals, people holding space for you, etc. Or, if connecting to your inner feminine looks nothing like the above list, then trust that and do what feels right for you. Most men enjoy being the initiators of things. Date nights, sex, adventures. But having this responsibility fall squarely on their shoulders can feel tiresome over time.

In fact, you should probably lean back and give your partner space to initiate with you more often. But in many relationships at least the ones that my clients I interact with are in , the men initiate the majority of the sexual encounters.

In that dynamic, you would then take on more of the masculine polarity and it might depolarize your connection rather rapidly. If your partner responds well, keep it up. In essence, putting effort into your hygiene says that you care about yourself. You care about yourself enough to put energy into the daily maintenance of your body. In the same way that you can turn a messy bedroom into a tidy one with minutes of daily upkeep, so too can you transform an unkempt appearance into an attractive, pleasant smelling, nice to touch exterior.

In many ways, this is a blessing. We can finally let go of the self-obsession and anxiety that comes part and parcel with constantly fretting over our appearance.

Don't just say things because you think he wants to hear them. Sit down, write up a list of things you love about him, and then make a concerted. According to the research, more intelligent men are more likely to get So make sure you're with a man who not only wants you to make time.

Some men need to be told verbally that their partners are in love with them, while others prefer to be reassured through thoughtful actions. Telling your boyfriend you love him is important to maintaining a healthy relationship , but consider these ideas to show him you care, too. That's because men's brains evolved to do one thing at a time while filtering out all other stimuli, he explains. Even though women function differently , your man appreciates when you focus your attention solely on him. Dow says.

Mellissah Smith is a marketing expert, author, writer, public speaker and technology innovator.

This is simply a common situation that most couples find themselves in after being together for a few years. You might begin to take each other for granted.

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A well read gentleman is, more often than not, an interesting one. Start from the ground up and put effort into building the perfect capsule library , beginning with 10 books that are guaranteed to garner intrigue and interest. Taking an interest in food and cooking shows creativity, and every gentleman should have at least one dish up their sleeve at any given moment. Even better? Get to grips with 5 that you can have in rotation and use to impress whenever you should need it. There are certain traits that every gentleman should have, and knowing how to mix a decent cocktail is one of them.

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It's no surprise that sex is super important to men. Most times, men will admit that it's number one on their list for what they want in a marriage and research suggests that men do tend to have higher sexual desire than women. Husbands don't always ask their wives for what they want, but many of them have thoughts and feelings that they keep to themselves. For instance, some men feel a sense of responsibility to take care of their wives financially, even if she earns more or you worked out a dual-income contribution to the household. This example creates pressure that affects the relationship, so understanding his inner world will open you up to a world of understanding and opportunity. While sex remains very important for most men, many simply want to experience more affection. Simple things you can do include telling him how much you love him, cheering him on when he's feeling doubtful, and telling him you're sorry when things go wrong. You can always go ahead and give him an unexpected kiss or a little flirtation, too.

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Let's make one thing clear: this book is like no other dating book you've read. Throw those books away.

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There are certain traits that the majority of heterosexual women look for in a man: kindness, GSOH, an understanding that the fight for gender equality is very much still ongoing. But other aspects of your personality could be a deal-breaker for one woman and simultaneously the reason another falls in love with you. With the advent of dating apps meaning another love interest is never more than a right swipe away, it can be hard to commit. So if you're wondering whether to settle down with your current partner, it might be worth taking a step back and asking yourself whether he ticks the boxes below. While some of us are naturally brainier than others, a new study from the Hanken School of Economics in Finland suggests that the smarter the man, the less likely he is to be unfaithful. According to the research, more intelligent men are more likely to get married and stay married. Even when the women in the study described their husbands as supportive, they also revealed that the men refused to change their own work schedules or offer to help more with looking after children. In fact, a recent study found that young men get more satisfaction out of their bromances than their romantic relationships with women. While this is clearly ludicrous, maintaining your friendships is important. If stereotypes are to be believed, it is women who are always desperate to talk about feelings and never men who fall hard.

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Turn your weakness into greatness; re-create yourself as a gentleman. I want to tell you about all the ways in which you can be a better man. Some of which only take a little time each day. Wake up early — a lot. Set your alarm clock every single morning, regardless if you have absolutely nothing going on in the morning. Consider that the majority of male CEOs wake up at am or earlier.

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