What to look for in a partner

What to look for in a partner

Nice eyes? A great smile? A quirky sense of humor? Look for someone who:. Remember, that a relationship consists of two or more!

10 Things To Always Look For In A Relationship

Barton Goldsmith. Ever wondered why nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce? Every person is different and looks for different things really complicated, we know. And, remember, it is only a recommendation.

BUT, when it comes to relationships, objectivity is underrated. Practicality is underrated. Cohesiveness is underrated. Some even put political views on this list…. Take the five things important to you and see how your date checks out. Minus the obvious exceptions, like marriage being a topic of discussion. Most people rushing to get married make it fairly obvious during the first date or two.

A sense of humor is so very powerful — and a shared sense of humor is even more so. Finding someone who can get you to smile and laugh on a bad day deserves some consideration. As a relationship progresses, this quality becomes more important than anything else.

Again, thanks for asking. Intangible personality traits: kindness, honesty, generosity, integrity, and empathy. Strong physical attraction has a way of creating tunnel vision — we pay less attention to what someone says and does. Resisting this strong sense of magnetism and being tactful and respectful is a great sign. If you have a good first date, great! Hopefully, the other person reciprocates. In the event of the latter, shrug it off and look forward to when someone loves the real you.

Sort of a no-brainer here, but plenty of folks have ended up with someone who exhibits zero of these traits. Do yourself a favor and observe how the person interacts with strangers. This is often a good indication of their character. Nonverbal communication can speak just as loudly - if not more so - than verbal communication. If you perform great When someone you love and care about is heartbroken, it's natural to want to comfort them.

However, things you say w Finding yourself in an unhealthy relationship can be mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing. Many well-intenti Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. We want to help our community find and shine their inner light - the truth of love, light, and positivity that is within us all!

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Related Items featured finding the right partner relationships what to look for in a partner what to wait for in the right partner. Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us provide, protect and improve our site. By viewing, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Respectful and Sensitive. Physically Affectionate.

Choosing a life partner is the most important decision you will ever make — far more crucial than choosing a job, house or group of friends. The course of love never did run smoothly, and neither did the course of quitting your job, moving house, having children or dealing with tragedy. The right person will put their cards on the table, even if it means risking getting hurt.

Figuring out what you want in a partner can be trickier than you think.

A lot of people are getting pretty picky these days with who they choose to spend their life with, to make things a little simple let me tell you something very honestly — perfect relationships and perfect partners DO NOT exist in the real world. People who can laugh at themselves are the easiest going people around, and they make for the best partners, and I speak from personal experience. Genuinely compassionate people are the best, people who listen to you and try their best to understand with you.

17 important qualities to look for in your life partner

Common attributes that come to mind include intelligence, kindness, sense of humor, attractiveness, or reliability. We may think we are looking for a partner who complements us only in positive ways, but on an unconscious level, we are frequently drawn to people who complement us in negative ways as well. What this means is that we tend to pick partners who fit in with our existing emotional baggage. We are inclined to replay events and dynamics that hurt us in the past in our adult relationships. Were they too controlling?

How To Figure Out What You're Looking For In A Partner, According To Experts

Barton Goldsmith. Ever wondered why nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce? Every person is different and looks for different things really complicated, we know. And, remember, it is only a recommendation. BUT, when it comes to relationships, objectivity is underrated. Practicality is underrated. Cohesiveness is underrated. Some even put political views on this list…. Take the five things important to you and see how your date checks out.

Here are the five things that they say you should look for.

We all know you shouldn't just throw yourself willy-nilly into the first relationship that comes down the pike. But what are the things you should look for in a relationship , specifically?

What To Look For In A Life Partner – 7 Important Things

We all know what happens when you head to the grocery store without a list. The analogy makes sense. It ended when he went to Vegas for a bachelor party and met a girl. The next weekend he broke up with me; in three months they were engaged, in six months they were married , and then they moved into the apartment that we lived in together. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I kind of went into a hibernation and I went back to grad school. How did my list fail me? Did it change? Did he personify the list and then I changed? Did I really need a list? These were the questions that ran through Murzellos head. After speaking to more than individuals, she identified the top three characteristics that people were looking for or what those who were married appreciated most about their partners. For women those traits were: Sense of humor , smart and honest, and kind. With this research under her belt, Murzello sat down right before her 30th birthday and crafted a new list. And there was a clear evolution between the characteristics that made the cut now, versus the ones that her year-old self had jotted down 10 years earlier.

What Should I Look for in a Partner?

Are you single and looking for love? Are you finding it hard to meet the right person? Life as a single person offers many rewards, such as being free to pursue your own hobbies and interests, learning how to enjoy your own company, and appreciating the quiet moments of solitude. For many of us, our emotional baggage can make finding the right romantic partner a difficult journey. Perhaps you grew up in a household where there was no role model of a solid, healthy relationship and you doubt that such a thing even exists.

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