What to look for in a relationship

What to look for in a relationship

A strong sense of character. They are steady and certain in the knowledge of who they are. But they will not compromise their values, their beliefs, or their integrity. A strong desire to listen to each other.

15 Things You Should Look For In A Relationship

Any new relationship is full of challenges. You're getting to know someone, and there's no telling when something might happen to burst the bubble of your new romance. In general, it's fun learning all there is to know about someone who used to be a stranger. But sometimes, there will be signs that you shouldn't take things further. Everyone has their own quirks and opinions, and someone who's a bit different isn't a reason to run for the hills.

But it's a major red flag if you find yourself compromising on yourself or feeling uncomfortable. Business Insider asked eight relationship experts, many who specialise in helping people who have been in abusive relationships, about what they think are the major red flags.

There is a psychological phenomenon known as the 'confirmation bias,' where we are inclined to discard all evidence that does not align with our views and only keep those that do. And with a potentially toxic person, they have worked to create a false positive impression to worm their way into your heart.

He could be all that -- the sleekest toxic people are. Our brains work overtime to convince us of someone who's not good for us, even when our guts know it. That's perfectly normal and healthy. But it's how you handle those disagreements that can really make or break things. Does your partner walk away? Shut down? Place all the blame on you? Throw a tantrum?

These are all red flags. No one needs to win or lose. It's about expressing how something makes you feel and being heard. Communication is key. Are they comfortable with using us? Because it just shows a real clear lack of care.

Or the person says, 'Well, I can't right now,' when they're not really that busy. One person is giving and giving and giving, and the other person gives one back. There's an imbalance. And the other selfish person is typically fine with their needs being met. It's a habitual pattern. It's almost like life is there to meet their needs and people are just commodities to get that done.

Past relationship history is key to understanding their behaviors, as is the way they talk about past partners. If everyone in their past was 'crazy,' that is a huge red flag. If the date says one thing and does another, look deep into yourself and tell yourself it will only get worse and walk away. If you are dating someone who tries to rush a relationship without giving you time to get to know them properly, slow it down yourself and take control.

If they are not patient with this request, you get out. A soulmate will be kind and patient, while abusers rush to confuse victims and to control. If you prove hard to control quickly, an abuser will back off, and you will save yourself heartache. Rather than listening to your concern and apologising, they will manipulate and flip the conversation, telling you all the things you've done to hurt and upset them.

They don't care about you and your concerns; they only care about themselves. Narcissists are void of empathy. They don't believe they are wrong about anything, and they will constantly feel victimised, accusing you of attacking them when you're just expressing your feelings in a situation.

This is definitely a reason to distance yourself from the person you're dating. Narcissistic abuse is emotionally and psychologically damaging to their partners and most everyone they interact with. Whatever they have done in previous relationships they are likely to do again. It practically shouts: 'I cannot take any responsibility for whatever went wrong.

I have not learned anything from these relationships. It is totally up to you to make our relationship work.

When they started dating these other people, they probably saw them as highly desirable and all good. Now that these relationships are over, these same people are all bad. Either they have a knack for picking the absolutely worst people with whom to be in a relationship, or they are seeing all of these people in a very distorted way.

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Respectful and Sensitive. Physically Affectionate.

Barton Goldsmith. Ever wondered why nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce? Every person is different and looks for different things really complicated, we know. And, remember, it is only a recommendation.

Nice eyes?

Knowing exactly what you want out of a relationship is very difficult, especially if you're young or inexperienced. Even if you've dated many other people, every relationship is unique, and you might have different priorities now than you have had in the past. Finding out what you want in a relationship can be a laborious process, but it's worth it.

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Healthy relationships bring out the best in you and make you feel good about yourself. Healthy relationships manifest themselves as healthy communication; another important part of a healthy relationship is loving yourself. Here are some characteristics and behaviors of a healthy relationship. Healthy Relationship. The relationship moves at a speed that feels enjoyable for each person.

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Do you think of an intense romance complete with dramatic gestures, like this one? After all, we often see romantic love portrayed in unrealistic or confusing ways. In real life, good relationships with strong foundations generally share many basic features. While you may not have thought about these qualities before, you might recognize that couples you admire live and breathe them! Can you talk to each other about tough issues and share your real feelings? If one of you does a great job on something or gets good news, does your partner share in your excitement? If one of you asks the other not to do something, or if someone is unavailable, does your partner respect that? When someone chooses to hang out with friends or be with family, is the other partner supportive?

Are you single and looking for love? Are you finding it hard to meet the right person?

Common attributes that come to mind include intelligence, kindness, sense of humor, attractiveness, or reliability. We may think we are looking for a partner who complements us only in positive ways, but on an unconscious level, we are frequently drawn to people who complement us in negative ways as well. What this means is that we tend to pick partners who fit in with our existing emotional baggage. We are inclined to replay events and dynamics that hurt us in the past in our adult relationships.

10 Things To Always Look For In A Relationship

We all know you shouldn't just throw yourself willy-nilly into the first relationship that comes down the pike. But what are the things you should look for in a relationship , specifically? For better or worse, we often hear more about the things you shouldn't tolerate in a relationship. Heading up that list, of course, is any kind of physical or emotional abuse — it is never OK to put up with behavior like that, and if you're experiencing such a thing, it's always a good idea to reach out and get help. All of that said, though, it can be a bit of a head-scratcher to sit down and puzzle out the things you absolutely need in a relationship. Sure, it might be nice to date someone who loves romantic comedies as much as you do — but is that necessary? If you meet someone who loves them, maybe you'll feel like you hit the jackpot; but what if you meet someone who prefers horror movies, but has a really good sense of humor and kind eyes? In other words, what are the things you really should look for in a relationship , no matter what? Here are some possibilities, straight from the mouths of relationship experts. For example, my toilet paper and paper towels have been magically refilled since a month into dating my husband. That your happiness is their happiness, and that they love you, and will take care of your needs as they arise and never complain about it," Martinez says. Kindness, surprise, selflessness, are all good qualities. This is crucial. Though this may seem obvious, it's easy to get caught up with something, and it's important to keep your head when you're dating or falling in love. And respect is so important.

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Any new relationship is full of challenges. You're getting to know someone, and there's no telling when something might happen to burst the bubble of your new romance. In general, it's fun learning all there is to know about someone who used to be a stranger. But sometimes, there will be signs that you shouldn't take things further. Everyone has their own quirks and opinions, and someone who's a bit different isn't a reason to run for the hills.

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